Photos in the photo gallery

I know I’m way behind on this, but I finally got 2 new photos added to the photo gallery (Conall and Penny), and updated the photo of Paris.  I feel like I may have missed someone though.  If you’ve sent me a photo, either by comments or email, and it’s not on the page, I’m really sorry.  Could you send it again?  And I’ll throw out the call once again – send me a link or a photo via email and I’ll add it to our gallery (

2 responses to “Photos in the photo gallery

  1. Yes! We do [appreciate all the time you put into this blog, Ann! By the way, if you want to put any of Ellie’s pictures in the photo gallery, that I sent you, please feel free to do so. I remember you were trying to decide if you wanted to put one in with her glasses and patch or just the glasses!


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