Glasses for children with Down syndrome

Knowing how few choices there are for frames for little kids — and that’s with us having a great children’s eye glasses store with better selection than most places — I can only imagine how much more difficult it must be to find good frames if your child has Down syndrome. Children with Down syndrome have different facial features, including smaller noses, wider faces, and a shorter depth from the eyes to the ears. This leads to frames that just don’t fit their faces well at all. Enter Maria Dellapina who is an optician and who has a daughter with Down syndrome. She created Erin’s World frames specifically designed to fit children with Down syndrome. They range in size from 38 to 43, with new models planned for babies and young children. While we don’t need these frames for Zoe, I’m very glad that someone has developed frames to fit the need.

4 responses to “Glasses for children with Down syndrome

  1. Wow this is great… My daughter is DS also, her nose bridge is hardly none.. and would benifit from a pair of Erin’s frames and they have a great selection, I’m very happy about that.. 🙂


  2. My son doesn’t do well with wire framed glasses because his lenses are so thick. We have had more problems with the lenses popping out and have taken them back (to a company I will not name here) several times. Is that problem somehow avoidable with these glasses? The ones he has now are thick plastic and keep sliding clear down his nose regardless of adjustments or the band he wears on the back of them.


  3. Are these frames available in Michigan — specifically in the Downriver area — Taylor, Allen Park, etc. my son and his girlfriend are both Downs and both have issues with glasses staying on their little noses — they are both 24 years old but have to shop in the children’s dept.for frames as their not quite adult sized.


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