“Don’t I Look Smart?!”

I’m posting this from Meredith Braunstein who along with her husband wrote the book “Don’t I Look Smart?!” for their son Zachary.  The book is published through blurb.com – a company that allows you to write and create and publish your own book.  I really like the idea of being able to write a book especially for your child, so I asked Meredith to talk a little more about her book.  You can see a preview of the book here.  -Ann Z

photoDon’t I Look Smart?!” is a book inspired by our son Zachary whose glasses have become his trademark. Zachary was diagnosed with Bi-Lateral Strabismus at nine months old and had corrective eye surgery just after his first birthday. As part of his treatment, it was recommended by our doctor that we get him glasses in order to strengthen his eye muscles and help with his farsightedness.



This started as a personal project for Zachary so he could have a book that would inspire confidence and make him proud to wear his glasses. The book is filled with imagination and the endless possibilities and experiences that wearing glasses can bring to those who need a little extra help seeing. It also teaches him that many successful people in this world wear glasses just like he does.

We feel that this book has the ability to get children excited about wearing their glasses and to see their glasses as a key to a magical world of opportunity.

3 responses to ““Don’t I Look Smart?!”

  1. Ohhh, I am such a sucker for kids books. The preview was wonderful and I am on the way to my library’s website to put in a purchace request!


  2. This is the perfect book for our toddlers and 5/6 year-olds who need glasses and just need a little inspiration! I cannot think of a better spokesman than little Zachary whose enthusiam and positive attitude come across in this book!


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