So your toddler needs glasses?

My daughter Zoe got glasses at the age of 14 months to correct strabismus due to her being far-sighted.

This is her on her first day with glasses

It’s been 3 months (is that all? seems like so much more) now that she’s had her glasses and she’s doing well with them, but I still find myself wanting to connect with other parents of young toddlers with glasses. How do you deal with your kid flinging their glasses off? How is it going in daycare with other kids curious about your child’s glasses? How do you know if the glasses are helping? When will she learn how to put the glasses on herself? When I’ve looked for answers or even just discussions about this stuff, I’ve found mostly information for older kids with glasses -which makes sense, most kids get glasses later on when they’re old enough to understand a bit better. Given the web searches that others have used to find my other blog, where I’ve talked a bit about the Z girl and her specs, I’m pretty sure I’m not alone.

If only there were some way of connecting with other parents in situations like ours – some way of reaching across the geographic distance – some kind of interconnected network of communication – an “internet” if you will. Wait…

So I decided to start this blog. I figure I’ll post mainly about our experiences with Zoe’s glasses, and link to any resources I find that seem helpful. I’m hoping that others will find this and join in a conversation. If you have a website or blog about toddlers and glasses or related topics, please let me know and I’ll link to it.

15 responses to “So your toddler needs glasses?

  1. Pingback: Fun Friday: Random Edition « Step Lightly·

  2. I am glad I found your blog! I’ve enjoyed reading about your experiences as it is very close to my experience with my daughter’s strabismus and farsightedness and glasses / patching, starting at age 6 months. She is 13 months now.


  3. Hi there, My daughters left eye started turning in a little over 2 weeks ago. They say she is very far sighted and we have her glasses ordered, but they are no where near as cute as your little ones are. Could you tell me where to go to find cuter ones? I got to choose from 3 pairs 😦


  4. mrsthomason…. don’t worry, we had a choice of 1 of 1 and they had to re-order the cables that came back bright blue. Your daughter is probably SO cute, that the glasses you chose will look adorable on her!


  5. Hi Mrstomason – we have a fantastic eye glasses shop in Minneapolis that is just for kids. They have a great selection, and I’m starting to realize just how lucky we are to have them. Zoe’s frames in this post are from Grant – which last I checked, doesn’t sell online. We loved them, though, and I was really sad that we weren’t able to just get a larger pair of the same style more recently. If you happen to live in or near Minneapolis, it’s Glasses Menagerie.

    But amomofelly is right, I’m willing to bet that your daughter will look adorable no matter which glasses she ends up with.


  6. Thanks guys! I still the she is the most beautiful little girl in the world, I just want the glasses to reflect her sassy personality. They are so plain and even though she does very well keeping them on, she is constantly trying to look over them instead of through them. We tell her to look through her Siper Cool glasses and she being the sassy 3 year old she is says, “They dont even have poke-a-lee dots…not cool” and while it was really funny, its true, they fit her…but not her personality! 🙂


  7. Your daughter sounds awesome, Amber! I’ve heard that some people have been able to ask optometry stores about looking in their catalogs and ordering frames that way – that gets a wider selection for you.


  8. My son just turned 2. We just found out a couple of weeks ago that he has esotropia when his eye kept going crossed. We just ordered his glasses yesterday. We found som really different shaped glasses so hopefully he looks okay.


  9. Hey there,
    I love this. My Son just got his glasses yesterday. For those of you who have experience how do you get your child to stop looking over or under the glasses?


  10. Pingback: Celebrating 5 years of Little Four Eyes with Many Mini Great Glasses Play Days! | little four eyes·

  11. Pingback: Seven Years! (7 best posts and 7 book giveaway to celebrate) | Little Four Eyes·

  12. Hey, I’m sooooo glad I found your post, just yesterday I found out my 19 month needs glasses,feeling very lost as not sure how to deal with this. Your little girl looks adorable. My only worried is her prescription strength is very strong.5 and 6 Should I get second opinion?


    • Hi Hena,
      I think if you’re feeling unsure, then a second opinion is a good idea, if only because it’ll give you peace of mind. Good luck and please let us know how things go!


  13. Pingback: Throwback Thursday – 10 years of For Little Eyes | For Little Eyes·

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