good frames

We made it 10 1/2 months before Zoe did anything horrifying to her frames.  Made it through the first couple months of her ripping them off and throwing them at the first sign of getting upset.  Made it through the next few months of her taking them off when she was bored in the car and carefully removing the nose piece.  Made it through her being in the infant room at daycare, and then going into the toddler room.  But today, on our drive home, she was upset about something and took them off to wipe her eyes.  I turned back and saw she had them off, and asked her to hand them to me, but she refused.  At the next stop sign, I turned to look and saw that she had carefully folded them and put them in her cup holder.  And then I realized that she had carefully folded one of the ear pieces at a 45° angle down from her glasses.  I pulled over, took her glasses, tried to explain why I was taking them, and why I was upset.  Tried to stay positive that maybe they could be fixed.  But it looked bad.  They didn’t even fit in a case they were so bent out of shape – as was I.

We went straight to the eye glasses shop.  I handed the misshapen frames to the optician saying I was guessing that we were out of luck.  She took them quietly and went into the back for a long time.  Another toddler and her mom came in to pick up a pair of glasses – very cute, dark plastic frames.  I bet those don’t bend like that.  But then the optician came back out.  Handed me Zoe’s frames back – perfectly shaped.  “This,” she said, “is why you want to buy good frames.”  We may yet make it to the end of the year and have to buy new frames because Zoe outgrew them, rather than destroying them.

7 responses to “good frames

  1. That’s wonderful that the glasses were fixable.

    I still take off C’s glasses when she goes into her carseat because I’m worried she’ll pull them off and break them!


  2. I learned the “taking the glasses off in the car” thing after Reid and I were headed home from the Eye Doctor. We had just picked up his new, second pair, of glasses. We were about half way home and I looked in the little mirror that I have, so I can see what he is up to, just in time to see him biting the end of his ear piece off. We hadn’t even had the glasses for 15 minutes. All I have to say is thank goodness for a good warranty. We have a two year warranty on these frames and lenses that pretty much covers anything that a toddler can do to them Thank goodness! 🙂


  3. I would also love to find out what kind of frames they are. Could you ask them next time you are in there? There are no special kids optical shops where I live- most places just carry a couple options, usually Disney or Fisher Price brands.


  4. I have a three year old daughter with Down syndrome that will not keep her glasses on. She takes them off and twists them and the lenses pop out. The frames she has are a pliable plastic and can essentially tolerate any amount of abuse (which is great), BUT the lenses will pop out if twisted too much. The visiion care place we go to, Glasses Menagerie, in Minneapolis, tells me they have no other options. The only thing I can think of is getting her googles that strap on her head. Does anyone know where I to find something like that?
    Help! I’m am so frustrated and no professional can help me.


  5. Julie, I’ve heard great things about Solo Bambini (listed above) and Miraflex (, both of while are very, very flexible frames. I don’t know if they would have the same problem with the lenses popping out, but I haven’t heard of that being a problem with them.

    If you’re looking for a strap to keep them on her face, there’s a woman in Australia who created a strap that looks pretty cool – she sometimes posts here (I haven’t tried the strap, but I’ve heard other people say it works well)

    Good luck


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