Getting eye pressure checks with a three year old without anesthesia

I just read a fantastic post over at Christopher’s Eyes that I wanted to pass along. Christopher is three, and has congenital glaucoma, which means many, many appointments to check his eye pressure.  For young kids, this means an exam under anesthesia (EUA), which is a huge production requiring a trip to a hospital and a lot of preparation, because the child will be put under anesthesia.  Most doctors will say that EUA’s are needed until a child is at least 6 because no child will sit still enough for the adult pressure checks.  Christopher’s Dad talks in great detail about  the process they went through to help Christopher feel comfortable at the doctor’s office, and to understand what was going on, and to sit still for successful eye pressure checks at the doctor.

Even if your child won’t need an EUA, the post is a good one for thinking about compassionate and helpful ways to help your child feel comfortable in exams or with unfamiliar procedures.

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