Amblyopia PSA from Amblyopia Kids

I wanted to pass this along from Amblyopia Kids.  Belle is 5, and does a great job in this video of explaining why she wears a patch.  I love the idea of helping kids talk about why they have a patch (or glasses) in their own words, to help them feel more comfortable with it, and to answer the many questions that get asked.

2 responses to “Amblyopia PSA from Amblyopia Kids

  1. Paris watches this clip daily! It has been a god send as some days when she hasn’t wanted to wear the patch she says I want to see Belle! and then she has a big smile and continues to patch. So thank you….


  2. Aw! Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m glad that Belle can help Paris out. It is hard to be a little girl and wear a patch. I wish we knew more kids locally who have to wear one. 🙂 Keep up the good work Paris & Paris’s mama!



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