beautiful with glasses

Ayisha sent in this picture of her beautiful daughter, Salena, writing:

girl wearing glasses“I am attaching a picture of my daughter, SALENA, age 8 years, who got her glasses when she was about 6 years old for farsightedness and astigmatism. She has been very good with her glasses always and has never broken one.  It has only been recently that she has started getting upset about wearing glasses as the kdis in her class are teasing her.  Her pet quote: ‘I look cute with glasses but pretty without them.’

I live in Pakistan and am a doctor. My husband wears glasses but my elder daughter and I , we do not.

I am hoping that seeing her picture in your photo gallery will remind my daughter how precious she is and that she is beautiful no matter what…:-)) I plan to go through the photo gallery with her and surprise her when she sees her own picture with the rest of the wonderful children.

She is a great dancer and usually called the “rockstar” of any show that she participates in.  She is the first one to start dancing and the last to sit down.  She wants to be a fashion designer, scientist and Barbie when she grows up!”

Salena sounds amazing, and it breaks my heart that she’s upset about her glasses and dealing with teasing at school.  And this echoes one of my fears, that Zoe will also one day start to think that she’s not pretty in her glasses.  So I’m asking all of you who read this, can you leave a note letting Salena know just how beautiful she is?

24 responses to “beautiful with glasses

    • Thank you Amie…;-)) I am Salena’s mother and I will show her this comment… She will be thrilled..!! As you are the first comment to this post, I am really appreciatve …:-))


  1. Salena, You look absolutely beautiful in your glasses. They make your pretty brown eyes pop! Keep dancing and don’t worry about your silly classmates.


  2. Salena, you are beautiful with or without your glasses. Don’t your silly classmates know that glasses are a really stylish fashion accessory? Wear them proudly! You look fabulous.


  3. Hi Salena! Love your photo… you have “star power”! Your warm & fun energy comes through. Like your hair clip & necklace, glasses are just another accessory to jazz up your beautiful, “rock star” look. How fun is that! The prettiest accessory, though, is your fabulous smile.


  4. Salena, you are gorgeous! My eight year old has been wearing glasses for about a year. She doensn’t mind them so far. She thinks it’s kind of cool to wear them because I need them to read. Keep smiling no matter what because you are beautiful! Believe in yourself because you can do anything with or without glasses. My eight year old started a non-profit to help other children with epilepsy. Dream big!


  5. You are truly a beauty! I love your hair and glasses. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! Carol and Michael and Mariana (my kids both wear glasses and said you look very pretty too!)


  6. Salena, you are such a beautiful girl, with or without glasses! Just like your hair clip and necklace, your glasses are another accessory to make you look even more glamorous and grown up. You happen to have a very pretty pair of glasses that look great on you.


  7. Selena, you are beautiful! My 3 year old daughter wears glasses as well and your personality reminds me of her;) she loves to dance! And just to let you know you are very PRETTY with glasses:)


  8. FASHION STATEMENT ! Everone want to make one, only a few do !! Welcome to the few ! Love your mom,s idea. Very intelligent, mommy dear ! Should make you feel better, she,s gone through a lot of effort to find u something Iike this. Cheers Dumplu !


  9. Where I live, all the girls your age are going out and buying glasses because it is so fashionable to wear them. You look fantastic and all the girls should be jealous!!


  10. Selena you are so pretty in your glasses! I have a little girl in glasses and she looks adorable in them. Her older brother and sister badly want to wear glasses because of the gorgeous frames you can get and were so disappointed when they didn’t need them!! At their school glasses are fashion statement! So chin up, you look GORGEOUS!! 🙂 I agree it sounds like they are a little jealous of all your star qualities, and who wouldnt be!! Keep dancin’ and shining in your gorgeous specs!!


  11. Selena,
    Those glasses are PERFECT on you!! When I saw your photo the first thing I noticed was your beautiful hair and eyes….then I noticed your cute frames! My little guy just got glasses when he was 7 months old and I was worried at first, but then I realized the glasses just made him cuter. My sister, who just turned 16, and not to be outdone by her nephew, just got “fake” glasses this week because she thought they looked cool. 🙂

    P.S. I am a teacher and I like to have a “glasses station” set up in my classroom. Then when kids need to clean their glasses, they get to come over to my desk and use the special spray and cloth. The other kids think that’s pretty cool! I would even get special visitors from other classrooms who liked to stop in at my special “station”. Maybe you could do something like that at school! 🙂


  12. Dear Salena,
    It’s Auntie Inna here. I just wanted to add to all the wonderful comments of people who love your look with glasses.
    I am so fortunate to have met you! You are one of the most amazing girls I have ever met in my life. I wished everyone knew what a talented singer and dancer you are, how much you read, and what a generous caring person you are. You look GREAT in glasses! I like all different frames in fun colors you wear, but most importantly I hope that in your future, as a young lady (WITH OR WITHOUT) glasses, you will always keep your great spirit, talent, and kindness!


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