Fixing My Gaze give-away!

Update at the end

I mentioned in my review of Fixing My Gaze, that I had two copies of the book to give-away, so here’s the details.

If you’re not sure what the book is about, Fixing My Gaze, by Susan Barry, is an autobiographical account about the author’s experiences growing up and living most of her life stereoblind, and then later in life regaining her stereovision through vision therapy.  Barry provides a fascinating look in to how the brain works and how it is that we see, along with the interesting story of how she learned to see in three dimensions.  Check out my full review for more details.

Ok, so if you’d like to be entered in a drawing for a copy, all you need to do is leave a comment on this post. I will do the drawing on the evening of Sunday, August 23.  On that evening, I will put all the entries into a bowl, and let Zoe draw two names.  This giveaway is open to anyone, anywhere in the world.

If you’d like more chances to win, you can also do any or all of the following – each item is worth one extra entry – NOTE: you must first comment on this post to be entered:

  • Print up 5 of our coloring pages and take them to your eye doctor or eye glasses shop.   Leave me a comment on this post to let me know you did that.
  • Send in your child’s photo for our photo gallery to  If your child is already featured in the photo gallery, just mention that in your comment.
  • Write up your story of your child getting glasses, for our in the beginning… category (or if you’d prefer, you could write about a different aspect of your child and their vision), and send it to  I will post these stories from time to time on the blog.  It doesn’t need to be a long story, I just think it helps everyone to hear each other’s stories.  If you’ve already written a post for Little Four Eyes, mention it in your comment.
  • Join the Little Four Eyes facebook group.  Again, mention it in your comment.
  • Add a Little Four Eyes badge to your blog or website, and let me know in your comment that you did that.

Update — Thank you to everyone who entered!  I wish I had enough books to give one to each of you.  Zoe helped me with the drawing tonight…

we put everyone's name in a box - with extra entries for anyone who qualified.  Zoe insisted on having her name in there, too.  I figured I'd just have her pull another name if her's came up.

we put everyone's name in a box - with extra entries for anyone who qualified. Zoe insisted on having her name in there, too. I figured I'd just have her pull another name if her's came up.

Janet was the first name pulled

Janet was the first name pulled

Larry was the second name

Larry was the second name

Congratulations to Janet and Larry!  I’ll email you with details.

16 responses to “Fixing My Gaze give-away!

  1. Hi Ann,

    I saw your post on babycenter about this bookand would love to have a chance to win it. Thanks for the giveaway.



  2. Hi Ann,
    Would love a copy! I am part of the facebook group and have added a picture of Paris! I will also print the five colouring in pages and bring to our opthalmologist! Thank you


  3. It would take me a while to read, but I’d definitely like to read it.

    I’m in the Facebook group, Penny’s picture is in the gallery, and I have a badge on my blog.



  4. I am very interested in the book. I just last week had my second strabismus surgery. Am very interested to read this book, as I am just now going through some dramatic changes in my sight. Thanks!


  5. Hi Ann,

    I would really happy if I get the copy of this book. I’ve put “Little 4 eyes” site in my blog list and not forgetting that I’ve join the facebook group as well.



  6. my daugher has strabismus. She has had numerous sergeries and her eyes are now resonably alligned. However she now suffers monocular and binocular double vision.

    I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience.

    We are very concerned for our daughter and are at a loss for what to do.



    • Hi Larry. Our daughter also has strabismus, actually since birth. She had one surgery at nine months, which made both eyes straight initially, but only two weeks later the left eye turned in again. We have been patching since she is four months old and ever since surgery again. She is now three and our PO is suggesting another surgery to align the eyes. However, we are more concerned about improving the acuity in her left eye to be equal to the right eye right now before doing another surgery because the alignment may change as the vision improves. We are currently doing full time patching on the right eye (all day, every day) for one month. We are also working with a vision therapist. Getting a vision therapist was definitely the BEST thing we ever did. We do exercises every day for two hours to help improve her vision, and it has made a HUGE difference in my opinion. I would definitely recommend finding a pediatric vision therapist in your area. Many POs are more concerned about getting the eyes straight versus making sure that the vision develops properly. Since your daughter’s eyes obviously have never learned to work together, vision therapy could be very beneficial to her as all of the exercises work to help the eyes work together. If you have any specific questions about vision therapy feel free to ask. I am not an expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I have learned a lot since going through this with our daughter. I don’t know how old your daughter is, but as shown in this book Ann is giving away, it is never too late to help the brain learn to recognize both eyes. All the best to you and your family!


  7. Okay, I am commenting here for the contest. I also have shared a photo of Jillian and written an entry about Jillian. I will add myself to the little four eyes facebook page if I haven’t already (have to check…)

    Dawn Lewis


  8. Sounds like an interesting read. I need to check if our library has a copy. If not, I just found out I can make requests. They are also getting a request from me to have the patching princess book and a few others.


  9. I love this book! Great idea to do a giveaway for it 🙂 This is a must read for those dealing with amblyopia and strabismus. The author is so nice also!

    🙂 a great resource.


  10. My daughter is an amblyopia survivor. She has issues with visual perception because the condition went unrecognized for five years. She lost five years of visual and gross / fine motor skill development. We would enjoy reading about how this condition affects the brain and one’s overall development. Thanks for reviewing the book. And please enter me into your drawing.


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